Life at Yiramalay
I worked with the Yiramalay team for five years before moving to the St Kilda Road Campus. It was an experience that helped me grow as a person and deepen my understanding of Indigenous culture, for which I will be forever grateful. When I was invited to lead an Induction group this year, I was excited to be heading back up to the Kimberley.

I think the biggest surprise for staff and students visiting Yiramalay for the first time is just how remote it is. The group gain a quick understanding that ‘just down the road’ means at least an hour away. The school is built on an old cattle station, so the classrooms look a lot different to what students from Melbourne are used to. The ‘Big Tent’ is where most of the learning happens; it’s literally just a big canvas tent that only recently got sides and doors put on it, so at least the air conditioning now works, which I was very grateful for!

To visit Yiramalay is truly a unique experience, and we had an amazing time with Induction 55. One of the highlights for me was seeing the Wesley students play football and volleyball with each other after dinner, making connections through sport. It’s these connections, and the personal insights and perspectives they gain from living on country, that make this experience so rewarding.

Reflecting on his visit to Yiramalay this term, Elliot (Year 10) said: ‘I'll always remember the people and all the fun activities we did; all the stories, songs and art we shared will stick with me for a very long time. This experience gave me a firsthand look at the inequality between the First Nations peoples and white people due to the effect of long-term racism and discrimination, which is still evident today. It's motivated me to help, wherever I can, to close this gap, support them and improve their quality of life.’
Tegan Gluschenko
Teacher, St Kilda Road Campus