In the Middle School (Years 5 to 9) students expand their outlook through a variety of academic, cocurricular and experiential learning programs that build understanding, resilience, leadership skills, critical thinking and independence.
Years 5 and 7 are key entry points at Wesley, and every year we welcome over 250 new students across the College in these year levels.
Our student-centred learning framework
Wesley College is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School and learning in the middle years is delivered through the IB framework. Students choose between the IB Diploma Program (IB DP) or Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) as they progress into the Senior School depending on their interests, strengths and aspirations.
The IB approach to learning is through student-centred inquiry. It encourages both personal development and academic achievement by challenging students with engaging questions across a variety of disciplines so they make connections between subject areas and the world around them. Inspiring curiosity through inquiry means our student learning is relevant, challenging, engaging and significant.
The Australian curriculum content is taught through the IB framework, so while the approach may be different from non-IB schools, the learning outcomes across the subject areas are consistent.
Our Middle Years (Years 5 - 9)
Our highly qualified teachers are not just subject experts. They are also experienced in connecting, engaging with and motivating young, diverse adolescent learners to reach their personal best. The diverse academic learning experiences are complemented by outstanding cocurricular and experiential learning programs which add to the wonderful day-to-day school life at Wesley.
Over their five years in Middle School, students experience four outdoor education camps, an 8-week Year 9 residential program at Clunes, leadership programs, community service initiatives and cocurricular opportunities in music, theatre and sport.
Technology is a key part of their learning and all students participate in Wesley’s cyber safety programs, supporting their development as digital consumers and creators.
Years 5 and 6
In Years 5 and 6, students learn through the IB Primary Years Program framework.
The Arts
Language Acquisition
Personal, Social, Spiritual and Physical Education
Social Studies
All Year 5 students choose between French or Chinese for the language acquisition elective.
Years 5/6 Sport: Students choose from 17 sports across four terms. Sport includes a weekly structured training session with a team coach and competition each Wednesday afternoon during the school day.
Performing Arts: Whether on-stage or off, students can participate in productions every year, helping to grow their confidence and presentation skills.
Elsternwick Campus: Performance opportunities include an annual musical involving all Middle School year levels, held at the National Theatre.
Glen Waverley Campus: Each year, the campus presents a Years 5 – 7 musical and a campus-wide musical including all year levels.
St Kilda Road Campus: A dedicated production for Years 5 and 6 students is held each year. In Years 7 - 9, students participate in two Middle School productions a year, including a play and a musical.
Music: A variety of ensembles are available for students, including dedicated Middle School ensembles. An annual music camp and performance opportunities each term, including soirees and concerts, are all part of the music experience.
After-school classes: Optional programs including gymnastics, swimming and chess are offered at selected campuses.
Students attend camp each year with their homeroom group and teachers. Outdoor Education experiences are designed to ensure students feel comfortable and safe as they explore the great outdoors through age-appropriate activities.
In Year 5, students visit Chum Creek, Wesley's bush property located close to Healesville on Wurundjeri Country. In Year 6, they venture to Gunai Kurnai Country on the Banksia Peninsula south of Bairnsdale to Camp Mallana. Through land-based activities, Year 6 students focus on animal, plant and human adaptations to lakeside living.

Years 7, 8 and 9
Learning in the IB Middle Years Program
From Years 7 to 10, students learn through the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP), providing a strong foundation for either the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) in Years 11 and 12.
The MYP challenges students to connect learning to real life. Students explore subjects through transdisciplinary themes – developing subject knowledge alongside skills in communication, global engagement and intercultural understanding. This equips students to apply their knowledge to a variety of contexts.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 students study eight core subject groups and within these broad groups, can make subject choices based on their strengths and interests. There is scope for specialisation which increases as they progress through the program.
In Year 10, the MYP’s flexibility allows students to study a VCE subject while completing their IB MYP studies (subject to grades attained in Year 9).
In Years 11 and 12, students choose from one of two academic pathways in their final years:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP)
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Years 7, 8 and 9
Core subjects
Arts (Visual Arts and Performing Arts)
Language Acquisition
Language and Literature
Physical and Health Education
Individuals and Societies
Students also complete Interdisciplinary Learning units and throughout their time are offered some choice, as listed below.
Language Acquisition
Students choose one of the following languages:
German (Glen Waverley Campus only)
Japanese (St Kilda Road Campuses only)
Students study their chosen language through to at least the end of Year 9.
Students continue to study their chosen language acquisition elective.
Year 9 students study a Middle Years Program Arts subject each term, except during the term when they attend Clunes.
Year 9 students undertake a minimum of two MYP arts subjects from Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance (Glen Waverley Campus only).
Sport: Sport is compulsory for Years 7 to 12 students. Students participate in the Associated Public Schools (APS) sports competition, the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria (AGSV) and APS girls sport competitions held on Saturday mornings. Sport at Wesley focuses on fun, participation and skills development. With 22 sports to choose from across three seasons, there is something for everyone at all levels.
Performing Arts: Whether on-stage or off, students can participate in productions every year, helping to grow their confidence and presentation skills.
Elsternwick Campus: Performance opportunities include an annual musical involving all Middle School year levels, held at the National Theatre.
Glen Waverley Campus: Each year, the campus presents a Years 5 – 7 musical and a campus-wide musical including all year levels.
St Kilda Road Campus: A dedicated production for Years 5 and 6 students is held each year. In Years 7 - 9, students participate in two Middle School productions a year, including a play and a musical.
Music: A variety of ensembles are available for students, including dedicated Middle School ensembles. An annual music camp and performance opportunities each term, including soirees and concerts, are all part of the Music experience.
Year 7: Students attend Chum Creek Camp, close to Healesville on Wurundjeri Country, with their homeroom group and teachers.
Year 8: Students take part in hands-on activities including a three-day hike, surfing, caving, canoeing, hiking and an ongoing revegetation project at Wesley's coastal property, Lochend, at Cape Bridgewater near Portland on Gunditjamara Country.
Year 9: Students participate in Wesley's transformative eight-week residential learning program in the Victorian goldfields town of Clunes on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. Students join peers from each of the three Melbourne campuses and are immersed in this unique experience that fosters self-confidence, independence and a sense of community. Students learn to live independently in residential houses and participate in a learning program which supports the Year 9 International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP).
Trips and tours: Learning extends beyond the classroom, with the option to participate in a range of trips and tours, including language, music and sports tours.
Student Wellbeing
Student wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at Wesley. We encourage behaviours that positively influence the learning and wellbeing of self and others to promote a safe, inclusive, supportive and cohesive learning community. Wesley’s approach to learning and wellbeing is captured in the acronym ROAR (Respect, Opportunity, Achievement and Resilience). The ROAR approach complements the IB philosophy, recognising that learning and wellbeing work in unison to support confident, capable students.
Throughout their time at Wesley, students are supported by a wide network of staff who help to ensure students remain connected and to support their wellbeing in all areas - academic, social, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Transition programs
Our comprehensive transition programs support our new students, as well as their parents, to ensure they are orientated with the campus, peers and teachers and support staff so they have a smooth start to what can be both a daunting and exciting year.
Our transition programs begin the year before our students commence at Wesley and are designed to encourage connection, familiarity and new friendships. Students undertake academic assessment during orientation so that teachers build knowledge about their new students' capabilities.
As part of orientation, students are familiarised with aspects of their day-to-day such as their Homeroom teacher, the library, IT, and their lockers to help instil confidence and familiarity in the lead up to their first days.
Each student is part of a 'House' community and participates in cocurricular programs. A variety of student clubs including advocacy groups, study groups and coding clubs, also assist students to find their community within the wider school.
For parents, there are many opportunities to establish networks and friendships with other new parents at school social functions. Information evenings are also held so that parents orient themselves with the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) and what they should expect in terms of their child's learning, assessment, reporting and homework.