Education research at Wesley College fosters the development of teacher professional practice in support of student learning and growth.
In 2005 Sir Gustav Nossal celebrated evidence-based research approach to teaching and learning, and curriculum development and assessment identified what worked best and had a direct impact on the learning of every student in our classrooms.
Latest research
Wesley research has direct application for teachers in our classrooms and beyond, to support students in their learning.

Real-time information on students’ progress
Research is shaping how Wesley teachers use information about student learning to improve their learning outcomes by taking a ‘biopsy’ approach, rather than a ‘post-mortem’ approach, to data analysis.

Engaging girls in STEM-related fields
Research is investigating girls’ participation and engagement in science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics.

Residential learning, engagement and empowerment
Research undertaken by Dr Radhika Gorur has found that residential learning engages students in learning, but also empowers them to learn.

Learning about Indigenous ways of knowing
Research by Annette Rome and Kim Anderson has found that non-Indigenous teachers and students develop a robust understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing through an inquiry-based approach to learning.