Since 1866, Wesley College has been recognised for excellence in education and as a pioneer in teaching and learning.
Our values

Our progressive values foster and promote empathy, inclusivity, diversity, and a strong sense of community in every student and staff member.
Benefits of coeducation

Coeducation at Wesley is a contemporary and compelling choice, and the best way to prepare girls and boys for the world in which they will live.
Educational approach

Wesley’s holistic approach to learning – a True Education – is our passionate commitment to the development of the whole child with unparalleled opportunities for students to discover their passions and nurture their talents.
Academic success

Academic excellence is a hallmark of a Wesley education and we are proud of the exceptional achievements of our graduating Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) students.
Yiramalay/Wesley Studio School

The story of Yiramalay is one of courage and determination to create a better Australia. Yiramalay brings together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students to live, learn and grow side by side. The focus on language, culture and learning on country are the foundations upon which the school was conceived.