‘Clunes Group 100 marks a significant milestone for Wesley College - a celebration of 25 years and 100 groups of students experiencing life in this unique and special place.
It’s a legacy worth celebrating, and it’s been an honour for us to be part of this remarkable moment in time,’ said Scarlett.
'Being in Group 100 has reminded us that we are part of something much bigger - a tradition of learning, growth and connection that spans decades. The memories and lessons will stay with us, shaping who we are long into the future.
From exploring the outdoors in Connect, to giving back through community engagement, expressing creativity through PAC, and mastering life skills like cooking, each of us has grown in ways we couldn’t have imagined. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our parents, who gave us this amazing opportunity, and the dedicated Wesley staff, who guided and encouraged us every step of the way.
To the school, the Clunes community, and everyone who made this experience possible - thank you for creating a program that has truly shaped who we are.’

‘It's crazy to think that 99 groups have been to Clunes before us! It feels really special that we are the 100th group, like we’re part of something big. Every day here is awesome.’
‘One of the most enriching experiences we’ve had here at Clunes has been the opportunity to engage with, and support, the local community. Students took part in a variety of activities including working in local cafes and news agencies to helping in the Creswick Library and Clunes bakery and even doing some gardening on campus. Through these experiences, we not only helped others but also learned about ourselves, gaining hands on skills, growing more confident in new environments and contributing to something larger than ourselves.'
‘At Clunes, we were given the unique opportunity to learn in ways that we never could if confined to a classroom and the languages program was no exception. Every language class - French, Chinese, Japanese and German, shifted its focus to vocabulary related to household work, cooking and living with other people, and each group was given the opportunity to cook a dish from their respective cultures. So much of our work was self-directed… we are beginning to understand that the effort we put in determines how much we get out of life which is invaluable heading into our senior years of school.’
‘A definite highlight of my time at Clunes has been the friendships I've made. I'm a bit shy but I came with an open mind, and I've made closer bonds with my existing friends from my campus and formed new friendships with students from other campuses which is really nice. I also started cooking at Clunes - before coming here, all I could cook was vegemite on toast and now I can do bacon and eggs and simple fried rice!’
'One of my favourite things at Clunes was the FASTA program which provided a chance to go off campus with your tribe to play games against other tribes like frisbee and dodgeball. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, everyone can just have a go, make new friends and have fun! I enjoyed cooking before coming to Clunes and I've really enjoyed trying out new recipes while I’ve been here. I'll be taking some of these back to share with my family.’

'The PAC program was great. Back in Melbourne, we're usually given a topic to explore but for your PAC, you can do anything that interests you and the teachers are so supportive. For my PAC project, I created a dress based on an endangered species of bird - the orange bellied parrot, to raise awareness about their conservation. I used different types of recycled materials and pinned it on a mannequin to make a dress for the presentation day.’
‘The Electives program at Clunes really had something for everyone… from Headliners (Music) and Best in Show (Art) to Gear Up (Biking), PALS (Sport) and Woodwork. We all learnt a lot and discovered skills we didn’t know we had and now I really like building stuff. The Electives program is certainly up there as one of the highlights of my Clunes experience.’
‘Connect was a program which provided time for us to immerse ourselves in the environment and learn through experience. We learned so much about the land and its deep connection to the First Nations peoples who have cared for it since creation, and about ourselves. Through moments of reflection, especially during the day and (for some) night solos, we explored concepts like solitude and loneliness, gaining new perspectives and fostering a deeper connection with nature and ourselves. It has been a great journey.’
‘It's difficult to narrow down the best thing as there are so many facets to the Clunes program. I met so many people - particularly through the PAC (Passion, Agency and Connection) project and I got to go in depth into a topic that I found interesting, not something that was just given to me by a teacher. The Connect Program was another highlight, as we got to explore community, self and the environment though activities like the Mount Beckworth hike and the day and overnight solo. It was so freeing to be by myself in the woods with my thoughts and doing something mindful.’
'One of the most memorable parts of our Clunes experience was cooking. For many of us, this was our first real opportunity to cook on our own, and it came with its challenges - burnt toast, mismeasured ingredients and lots of trial and error. For others, it became a way to express creativity and show appreciation for friends. Cooking at Clunes taught us skills far beyond the kitchen, like teamwork and resilience. It wasn’t just about food; it was about building community, learning independence and creating memories that will last long after this experience has ended.'