In 2022, following years of pandemic-induced disruption, lockdowns and remote learning, our College Executive and Council paused to reflect and ask a big question: ‘What do we want Wesley to be in the future?’ This sparked a series of workshops with members of the College community to explore the challenges and opportunities ahead of us. From this important body of work came our renewed vision, values and strategic priorities.
These were shared with the College community in early 2023 but questions remained: How could we translate the vision, values and strategic priorities into tangible goals? And who should be involved in that process? It was at this pivotal moment we realised that harnessing the ideas and experience of our community would be essential to generating the best blueprint for Wesley’s future direction.
The first day of the 2024 school year provided an opportunity for more than 800 members of our community including teachers, students, parents, alumni, donors and Council to meet for an ‘Appreciative Inquiry Summit’ designed to build the strategic plan. This Summit was designed to give everyone in the room a voice and an opportunity to shape the future of Wesley College.
See what our students, staff, parents and OWs had to say in this video:

Many who were there that day had never experienced anything on such a scale before. The short video above captures the collaborative energy of the day, and the sense of ownership that developed – a reminder that for the success of any significant project, engaging the whole community in the process is just as important as the final outcomes.
And that process continues. Last month, staff gathered once again at a professional development day to reflect on the ideas generated at the summit and further develop each of the new strategic priorities, recognising their inherent interconnectivity and dependencies.

Further collaborative planning days have been earmarked that will result in tangible actions to be developed and announced later this year. It’s an exciting time to be part of Wesley College as we work together to shape the future for everyone connected to this wonderful school.
We are enormously grateful to all members of the College community for their support and for willingly sharing their insights and we commend our strategic plan to you as we jointly contribute to our shared future.
Nick Evans (OW1985), Principal, and Rachel Webster AO, President

We aim to transform lives through an educational journey that enables every child to grow and thrive -- and become a thoughtful, engaged and contributing citizen of the world.
We are inspired by our motto, 'Dare to be wise', which challenges us to draw on our individual courage and wisdom to lift ourselves and those around us.
We believe in the love of learning.
We are eternal students for life. We are relentlessly curious about human behaviour and the way the world works. And we are exhilarated and transformed by the journey of acquiring and sharing knowledge and experiences.
We believe in the whole person.
We know that education is more than academic. It’s about a person’s mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual growth and wellbeing. For us, self-care goes hand-in-hand with learning and academic progression. We encourage compassion, reflection and resilience.
We believe in striving for excellence.
We see a blueprint for personal fulfillment in each of us. A unique set of qualities, talents, and interests that help us achieve our hopes and dreams. We give it everything we’ve got to be the best possible version of ourselves – and to support that quest for those around us.
We believe in a fairer, more inclusive society.
We keep our hearts and minds open. We welcome and respect diversity in people and ideas. We listen to each other, and we look out for each other. We celebrate differences – but we create a community where we all belong. We honour our connection to Country and to First Nations.
We believe in taking action.
We choose to make things happen. We choose to be agents of change. We challenge convention and power structures when they hold us back. We respect the past, but we look to the future and are motivated to always make things better - for people and the planet.
Strategic priorities and goals
The strategic priorities and their associated goals are inextricably linked and reflect the extensive collaboration across all College functions and members of the College Community.
Our priorities

Our goals
Aim to deliver a truly transformational educational journey for each child, building their confidence and self-worth and preparing them to be engaged and contributing citizens of the world.
- Ensure that our Teaching and Learning in the Middle Years (Years 7-10) is contemporary, dynamic, innovative and effective.
- Be known in the education sector as a leader in delivering a holistic approach to learning and wellbeing.
- Attract and retain the best staff by supporting them to grow and thrive.
- Embed sustainability and respect for our natural world in our teaching, learning and wellbeing.
Be a beacon for diversity and inclusion. Open our doors wide. Reflect the Melbourne community in which we live. Support and enable diversity of our students, families, teachers and leaders – socio-economic, gender, cultural, racial – with respect, kindness and empathy.
- Create greater access to a Wesley College education through a large and growing scholarship program.
- Deepen our connections to First Nations people and culture through enhanced engagement and programs.
- Build stronger connections to regional Australian communities to grow and diversify our Learning in Residence student cohort.
Inspire and activate more people in our communities and strategic partnerships (existing and new) to help us do more and achieve more for our students and the future of the school.
- Encourage and activate broader and deeper connections across our diverse Wesley community – creating more lifelong engagement through greater participation, advocacy and support.
- Extend our networks regionally and globally to enrich our community
Ensure that all our actions lead to sustainable outcomes – for our people, our planet, our place and our future.
- Develop and implement an environmental sustainability action plan for the College that achieves carbon neutrality by 2030.
- Consider the optimal size and financial sustainability of Wesley College now, and into the future.
- Inspire philanthropy in our community to sustain future generations (see 2.1).
Lead the way. Forge new paths. Evolve with imagination and insight. Wisely and courageously break new ground to enhance the Wesley educational journey and contribute to the school’s dynamic future.
- Reimagine the 'Shape of the Week' to enhance student and teacher experience.
- Explore and qualify opportunities to better support alternative pathways for students in Years 10 to 12.