Wesley is committed to providing outstanding teaching for learning. Our 600+ full- and part-time teachers are passionate about creating a stimulating and supportive learning environment that brings out the very best in their students.
Our teachers combine in-depth curriculum knowledge and real-world experience. The average tenure of teachers at Wesley is nine years and more than 40 per cent of our teaching staff have postgraduate qualifications.
Professional development
Professional development is core to teaching practice at Wesley and teachers regularly review, refine and improve their standards of professional practice.
Our teachers use a combination of data, feedback, research and innovative technologies to ensure they create educational experiences for our students that are rich, engaging and productive.
IB teacher learning network
As an International Baccalaureate (IB) world school, teachers at Wesley engage with colleagues through an extensive global professional network for their further professional learning and development.
The IB supports teachers in broadening their repertoire of teaching strategies including inquiry-based and concept-based learning approaches, both hallmarks of IB pedagogy. Teachers expand their own learning through engagement with a curriculum that goes beyond the local and national by requiring knowledge of other parts of the world and their peoples – a curriculum for international-mindedness.
Learning together
The power of teacher collaboration is recognised at Wesley, with dedicated and structured time allocated to enable this.
Our teachers collaborate on specific aspects of teaching and learning such as assessment, planning, pastoral support and curriculum development. They share ideas and best practice through our teaching and learning blog, We Learn at Wesley.
Research-informed teacher development
Time and resources are provided for teachers to undertake autonomous professional development to support students’ learning. RG Menzies Research Fellowships are available to a small number of teachers whose research demonstrates a direct impact on student learning and that supports the College’s strategic plan.
RG Menzies Research Fellows are seconded from the classroom for a school semester or whole school year. Recipients have undertaken research ranging from an investigation of the impact of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Bunuba/Walmajarryi unit of inquiry on other ways of knowing to research on girls’ participation and engagement in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
Impacting the lives of our students
Hear what our students say about the quality of teaching and care at Wesley College and their expressions of gratitude for their teachers’ unwavering support.

'Professional learning at Wesley has been pivotal for me. I’m up to date on curriculum and teaching strategies that enable me to meet the needs of our students in the ever-changing landscape in which they learn and grow.'
'I feel extremely lucky to have access to contemporary research and innovation in education to develop my teaching and meet my career goals. Wesley encourages me to continually learn and seek best practice to ensure that all my students achieve their very best.'
'I really value the professional development experiences I have as a Wesley teacher – the observing, sharing, reflecting, and practising. I want to keep developing and refining my craft, and professional development at Wesley enables me and my colleagues to do exactly that.'
‘One of the most helpful experiences in Year 12 for me was when my Literature teacher encouraged us all to book times with her outside classes for feedback on essays. It turned out to be one of the main ways I progressed within the class.'
‘I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all my teachers in Year 12 and across my time at Wesley. My teachers were my biggest support, helping me out 24/7, answering all of my questions.’
Teacher Highlights
The people we remember
We weren’t at all surprised by the overwhelming response we had to our social media post encouraging OWs to let ...
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Staff success: Music teacher wins award for online innovation
Technology has enabled Wesley music teacher Matthew Tng to provide up-to-the-minute learning resources and a flexible learning environment for his ...
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Staff Spotlight: Dovi Hanner
Violinist and violist Dovi Hanner graduated from Wesley College in 2009, returning later to teach students at our Elsternwick Campus. ...
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Staff Spotlight: Lori Chizik
Lori Chizik is Wesley’s Head Coach of Basketball, whose coaching credentials speak for themselves: an assistant coach at the 2000 ...
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