The message Alensten Wu (OW2011) shared with Group 100 is that time really does fly.
As a member of Group 33, Alensten attended Clunes in Term 1 of 2008. He loved his time at Clunes so much that he was moved to donate to the Wesley College Foundation - Clunes capital campaign. Having the opportunity to walk around the campus and the township of Clunes, he reflected on the fact that Clunes has not really changed in the last decade, but the campus has truly been transformed.

The College was thrilled to unveil the Alensten Wu Art Studio at Clunes at the Presentation Day for Group 100 on Sunday 1 December. The naming of the studio is fitting recognition for Alensten’s significant philanthropy and recognition of his positive impact during his time at Clunes.

Alensten visited House 12 where he and other students spent eight wonderful weeks. Alensten was also keen to walk into town to see the Post Office… the place where he collected the care packages sent by his mother, which included the coveted instant noodles!

Principal Nick Evans offered a vote of thanks to Alensten and wife Sandy who are Double Purples, a small and special group of couples who both attended Wesley. Reflecting on his time at school and at Clunes with the families gathered for Presentation Day, Alensten noted that Group 100 will enter Senior School next year, and in just three years, will be finishing their time at Wesley. And perhaps three years after that, they will finish their tertiary studies. Time flies, and experiences like Clunes are both important and transformative, and often make a bigger impact that we might realise at the time.
We extend a huge vote of thanks to Alensten for his generosity, and his continued support and advocacy of Wesley… as he said in his speech: 'Wesley Now and Always'.