‘Adieu, Adieu, Old School, Adieu!’

The words that flowed from the lips of my 2018 cohort at our Speech Night were filled with sadness, nerves and excitement for the future, ones which I never thought would bring me back through the College gates so quickly!

Tom PewtressIn 2019, merely six short months after the conclusion of my formal studies at Wesley, I was invited to join the Board of the OWCA. This was a great privilege which I joyfully accepted and have carried out, with great pride, since then.

In 2022, I was elected Vice -President, and then at our AGM in June, I became President. Under the leadership of Kate Evans (OW1998), I was fortunate to witness a period of stability and great support for Affiliates of our organisation. Kate’s legacy will be felt for many years to come and her continued work as the College Head of the OWCA is a role where alumni will continue to feel her warmth and passion.

It is a great honour for any Old Collegian to have the position of OWCA President bestowed upon them, and every day, I am reminded of the gravitas of our intrinsically linked institutions and the symbolic importance of this role. It is a real privilege to be able to attend affiliate events, to support the important activities they undertake, and the very special occasion of welcoming school leavers to their Life Membership with the OWCA, amongst other activities.

As an organisation, the OWCA recently completed its three-year strategic plan. We defined our purpose as an organisation that supports engagement and welfare amongst OWs in a way that fosters reciprocity with the school and future generations of students, as well as their families.

We are proud of the program that has been generated and it is one I look forward to leading our Board and community to achieve. Two key demographics will be our focus moving forward: our Golden Lions, who have been our greatest supporters over many, many years, and our youngest OWs, who need our support as they find their way in the first critical years of their careers after leaving school. It is with great anticipation that we embark on these strategic concepts, and I look forward to seeing how they impact the lives of OWs, both young and old.

As part of our commitment to engage with our Golden Lions, we are excited to announce a new initiative which we hope will assist our more senior OWs to join us at events. If you or someone you know are a Golden Lion and would like to go to a Collegians Football match or Sapere Aude Bequest Society gathering but are no longer able to drive, please contact the office on (03) 8102 6750 and they will arrange your travel to and from the event!

Our alumni community finds its strength in diversity of all types, which is why I am proud to be the youngest President of the Old Wesley Collegians Association in the history of our institution (founded in 1886). It would be unusual to find another alumni association of an APS institution so willing to support an eager young person to have a go at a role like this. I once again thank Kate Evans, the OWCA Board, members of our alumni community and members of the College Executive and Council, particularly Nick Evans (OW1985), for their support.

During my time as President, I invite you to write to me or call me at any time. I am open to feedback, and am looking for opportunities to support and collaborate with alumni to improve what we do.

Tom Pewtress (OW2018)
OWCA President

#oldwesleycollegians #bleedingpurpleandgold


OWCA Board

President Tom Pewtress (OW2018)
Vice-President Alessia Francese (OW2016)
Treasurer Rob Lancaster (OW1982)
Secretary Emma Carney (OW1989)
Executive Members Jack Ayerbe (OW1963)
Alex Iljin (OW1982)
Luca Jolson (OW2022)
Rick Morris (OW2004)
Kunal Rastogi (OW2002)
Jen Taylor (OW2023)

Interested in becoming involved in the OWCA Board?

Contact Tom Pewtress (OW2018), President of the OWCA, at tpewtress@kor.com.au

OWCA Contacts
  • Address and email updates
  • Lion stories
  • Social media, OW updates and connections
  • Birth, Marriage and Death notices
  • Grant enquiries from Affiliates
  • Academic transcripts
  • Event enquiries
  • Calendar enquiries
  • Administrative enquiries

Please contact us at owca@wesleycollege.edu.au


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