As part of their 'Individuals and Societies Liveability' unit in Term 1, Year 7 students from our Elsternwick Campus explored their local community, with a particular focus on Glen Huntly Road's diverse amenities.

The central aspect of this excursion was the collection of data regarding local liveability, encompassing factors like access to food, housing, transportation, healthcare and education. Through firsthand observation and interaction with the environment, students gained valuable insights into the dynamics shaping the area's liveability.
They analysed various elements of urban life, including bustling cafes, convenient supermarkets and accessible green spaces, which provided tangible experiences enriching their understanding of liveability factors. This experiential learning approach served to bridge theoretical concepts learned in the classroom with practical applications, deepening their understanding of place and identity.
Importantly, the excursion highlighted that liveability extends beyond statistical metrics or amenities; it involves nurturing a sense of belonging and fostering social cohesion within the community. As students reflect on their journey, they are reminded that true liveability stems from collective efforts to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all, highlighting the interconnectedness of people and place and the significance of community in all our lives.