Founders' Day Lunch
More than 150 Old Wesley Collegians packed the Kooyong Tennis Club for this traditional event, held on the final Friday of May to celebrate the founding of our great College.

MC David Kennedy (OW1966), immediate past Vice-President of the OWCA, charmingly welcomed guests and invited Principal Nick Evans (OW1985) to share some personal reflections of Founders’ Day.
OWCA President Kate Evans (OW1998) then had the pleasure of celebrating our newest Golden Lions, awarded two Fellowships of the OWCA to Mark Hibbins (OW1978) and Ian Thomas (OW1982), and presented two OWCA Honorary Life Memberships to long-serving and beloved staff members, Sara Liversidge and Sabino Del Balso.

We were then entertained by a panel of esteemed marketing and brand experts from the Wesley community including Ben Lilley (OW1989), Belinda Danks-Woodley (OW2004) and Melinda Geertz (past parent and current member of the Wesley College Council).
The singing, led by our OW choral group, A Chorus Lion, showed that the Wesley spirit is still well and truly alive within our past student community, regardless of their age!