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Speaking in front of 600 people would be anxiety-inducing for most people, but St Kilda Road Year 12 student Luca Jolson took it to another level when he delivered his 2022 Hollaway Oration to the Senior School Arts Assembly audience late last term. He shared with them an intimate story about a ‘friend’ he had a very difficult relationship with last year: Anxiety.
Luca was the winner of last year’s Hollaway Memorial Prize for Debating, established to honour the memory of long-time staff member Stuart Hollaway, who tragically lost his life in a climbing accident in 2015. The prize is awarded annually to a Year 11 student who has made a significant contribution to the debating program and public speaking. This year’s prize was awarded to Eloisa Belmar Osborn.
The return of assemblies this year meant that Stuart’s mother, Heather Hollaway, could again take part in the event.
In personifying Anxiety, Luca cleverly helped his peers consider their own ‘relationship’ with anxiety to see it as just one ‘voice’ among many. ‘Just because one voice might be the loudest in the room, does not necessarily mean that what they have to say is worth listening to,’ he said. ‘Focus instead on seeking out the more discrete voices of two, sometimes flighty, friends: Trust and Confidence. One of the best ways to deal with anxiety is by finding ways to transform its nagging voice into one that is motivational, propelling you to prove it wrong by achieving whatever it is that it made you believe you couldn’t.’
Luca’s insights into his ‘not-so-sweet high school sweetheart’ were avidly absorbed by his peers. By sharing his own vulnerability, he showed us what is possible when we choose to spend more time with trust and confidence. ‘The truth is, many of us will endure anxiety, and while we often choose to internalise our feelings, understand it’s okay to voice your emotions, as no one deserves to suffer in silence.’ he said.