The annual OWCA and Old Scotch Collegians Association (OSCA) Golf Day was held at Kew Golf Club on 15 November. Players were presented with a beautiful layout on which to test their game. Some fine play was on display in the sunny morning weather.
A dedicated team effort resulted in the OWCA successfully regaining the trophy contested between the two associations. Performances by Nick Shortis (OW1995), Geoff Allen (OW1993) and Birwin Yu (OW1995) were highlights. The fellowship developed through the event continues to grow and we look forward to the 2025 edition!
Contact Peter Johnson (OW1995) for further information on 0419 119 786.

OWCA v OSCA 2024 Annual Golf Day
(Aggregate of the top 12 individual stableford scores)
OWCA: 332 points defeated
OSCA: 292 points
H J Kroger 4 Ball Best Ball Trophy |
Won by Nick Shortis (OW1995) and Birwin Yu (OW1995) (46 points) |
Dr John Kennedy Handicap Trophy |
Won by Geoff Allen (OW1993) (36 points) Runner-up: Scott Booth (OW1985) (35 points) 3rd place: Nick Shortis (OW1995) (35 points) 4th place: Birwin Yu (OW1995) (34 points) 5th place: Nick Ashby (OW1985) (34 points) |
R W Chenoweth Championship Trophy |
Won by Nick Shortis (OW1995) (74 strokes) |
Nearest the pin |
4th hole: Field Rickards (OW1966) 11th hole: Nick Ashby (OW1985) 14th hole: Tom Duggan (Staff & APS Golf) 18th hole: Geoff Allen (OW1993) |
Longest Drive |
16th hole (Men’s): Tom Duggan (Staff & APS Golf) 16th hole (Women’s): Sandy Wijeratne (OW2003) |