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Principal's lines

It is said by colleagues of mine that the most significant person in your career is your first President of Council. They appoint you and then mentor you. In this Principal’s Lines, I farewell my first President, Marianne Stillwell, who stood down as President at the AGM of Wesley College in May this year, after eight years as President and fifteen years on the Wesley College Council.
I first met Marianne in 2001. The occasion was a parent teacher interview for her nephew. Marianne made such an impression that I recall the interview to this day. She was compassionate, caring, precise in her questions and full of gratitude. She was very impressive. It was a first impression I have had no reason to revise.
Our time together as President and Principal could fairly be described as eventful. Marianne is nothing if not calm in a crisis. I remember vividly the moment I met Marianne and our CFO, Cameron Moroney, at the outset of the pandemic. The pandemic provided many fraught moments. It is easy with the benefit of hindsight and with a vaccination rate of over 95% to forget those early days.
Marianne was superb in her clarity of thinking. I am always one for asking the stupid and perhaps, best unasked questions and fortunately, Marianne is always one for answering them. My question that day was ‘Is this an existential crisis for the College?’ Marianne’s immediate response was ‘Oh yes!’ and this was confirmed by Cameron. With that sobering thought stated boldly, Marianne then commended the many and varied actions required to solve the crisis. She was nothing short of magnificent at a time when the same question was being asked! Marianne was focussed, organised and brought great clarity to the issues at hand. The fact that the College has come through unscathed is testament to her dedication and commitment.
And how she loved being President! While it was not always easy, Marianne brought a wonderful lightness of touch. She always made me laugh, even in the most fraught of circumstances. And she simply loves this school, as can be seen by the endless events she attends, the astonishing level of research into such arcane topics as the median ATARs of every possible comparable school and the faultless preparation for every meeting she attends. I used to wonder how she managed all this. I soon realised, after the umpteenth email in the middle of the night, that sleep was low on her list of priorities.
This dedication comes at some cost, and I am very aware that Marianne’s family, particularly her children Julian, Cameron and Claire, have shared her with us. I would like to thank them very much on behalf of the College.
But our greatest thanks must go to Marianne. Her example will remain with me as the purest form of servant leadership I have witnessed. I am not exaggerating when I say that she has made an historic contribution to this College. For me, personally, she has made the sometimes difficult transition to Principal that much easier and, more importantly, she made it fun.
The role of volunteers in our society, and the vital work they perform, has become more celebrated of late. This is as it should be. Without volunteers, the work of many a sporting club, charity or school would be sadly diminished. The Wesley College Council are all volunteers, giving their time and skill to ensure the effective governance of the College. In doing so, they take on the board position of a company limited by guarantee. Many readers will understand the specific responsibilities this entails. Marianne was fond of pointing out all the ways in which she could go to jail. But without people such as Marianne and the other members of the Wesley College Council, volunteering their time, energy and expertise, Wesley College does not function. Professor Rachel Webster AO succeeds Marianne as President. The College is fortunate indeed to have people of such quality prepared to volunteer their time and care for the College.
On behalf of all at the College, I thank Marianne, Rachel and all members of the Wesley College Council and subcommittees.
Nick Evans (OW1985)