In addition to philanthropic gifts and bequests, corporate partners play an important role in supporting the work of the Foundation.

Funds raised each year through our generous partners help underwrite a number of events and activities across the wider Wesley community and provide significant exposure for sponsors.

Partners are provided with a suite of benefits and opportunities to engage with our College community and are highlighted in each edition of the Lion magazine that is mailed to almost 25,000 households including current and future parents, alumni and friends of the College. They receive tables at every Foundation event, Annual Gala Dinner, preferential booking rights, networking opportunities, sponsor acknowledgement events and links to their websites.

Our partners

The Wesley College Foundation gratefully acknowledges our partners who support our events, programs and activities.


Holden East

APS Wills and EstatesAPS Benefits Group

ARA Property Services

Peppers Hot Springs

House Land Experts

The Wesley College Foundation Grand Prix Breakfast

'Both Jon and I have had a long association in supporting the College, its affiliates and now the Foundation, which is a great pleasure for us to be able to do.' Brad Woolhouse (OW1988) and Jon Docking (OW1988), Total Facilities Maintenance.

'We are very pleased to sponsor the Wesley Foundation and come on board as supporters of The Sapere Aude Bequest Society. We look forward to assisting the important work of Society and fellow Old Collegians.' Phil Lambourne (OW1980), Principal Lawyer, APS Legal and Craig Walden (OW1981) CEO, APS Benefits Group.

Further information

For further information about our partnership program, please contact the Foundation Office via email to