Investing in the future of Wesley College

Each year, on the first of May, we celebrate the Founders of Wesley College.  These visionary women and men paved the way for generations of families who have contributed to the progressive College we know today.

We invite family and friends of the College to join us on Founders’ Day by contributing to our Giving Day Appeal.

The appeal provides opportunities for members of the College community to donate to:

Two senior school girls smiling with their arms around eachother
Introducing the Wesley College Foundation

The Wesley College Foundation has two key fundraising priorities.

  • Increase access and enrich diversity. Inclusiveness and diversity are at the heart of Wesley’s values and our extensive scholarship program provides opportunities for students to experience Wesley’s transformative education.
  • Provide exceptional learning environments. The quality of Wesley’s academic programs, co-curricular activities and outstanding facilities is due in large part to the generosity of our donor community.
Support us

Join us in supporting the next chapter of Wesley’s success.  Explore the many ways you can contribute to the Wesley College Foundation below:

Thank you for your donations to the 2024 Annual Appeal

There are many ways you can make a positive impact on the young minds shaping our future.  Explore the opportunities to make a tax-deductible donation to the Wesley College Foundation today.

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We invite you to consider leaving a gift in your Will to the Wesley College Foundation - the gift of an education. Bequests are the most effective way of providing enduring benefits for future generations of Wesley Collegians without affecting your financial circumstances today.

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Sponsorship of the OWCA gives you prominence on our website, in our regular electronic newsletters, in three annual editions of Lion magazine, as well as visibility at major events, and much more.

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